NUMATICS 0MA3 (does not have bulkhead) Joucomatic 309 00 006 (Has bulkhead connector) Log in for pricing
Norgren FRL 4461-50 Mounting Bracket CKD # B330-W if they change to CKD R3000-10N-W-T-J1 Log in for pricing
NUMATICS L22BA452OGE2020 Recommended replacement for L22BA452OGE2020 - coil does not rotate on the L22BA452OG14A20 Log in for pricing
BOSCH 0 822 122 002 Recommended Replacement The cylinder itself is a direct replacement ** if prox switches or rear clevis is used those items will also have to be replaced, however, if just the rod threads are being used then the new unit will work fine Log in for pricing
ADSENS CSU-2050P (Offered replacement for Numatics SH6-031 - would have to replace brackets too PAC/UTRC) Log in for pricing
NASON CS-30X350SPR-CB (Rod Diameter Does Not Match Compact Air - Everything Else Direct Interchange) Log in for pricing
NUMATICS L22BA452OGE2020 (used on Builder & Buffer) obsolete recommended replacement L22BA452OG14A20, the coil does not rotate on this one Log in for pricing